Everyone understands that to solve a problem, you need the right tools for the job. However, what is even more important is knowing when and how to use those tools effectively to achieve the best results. In this time-deprived world, one of the biggest conundrums of our day is mastering the ability to produce higher-quality output, more efficiently. It is, therefore, no surprise that more organisations around the world are making significant investments annually towards the acquisition of business tools, processes, and software to empower productivity in the workplace.
As a leading technology giant, enhancing business productivity through innovative software, electronics and computing has been Microsoft’s forte over the last thirty-plus years and remains the arena in which it continues to excel (no pun intended). From Windows – the world’s most dominant desktop operating system, to the highly adaptable, multipurpose Office suite among others, Microsoft products are widely accepted and trusted by one and a half billion active users globally.
In this article, we spotlight Microsoft 365, a subscription service that ensures access to the latest and most up-to-date productivity tools from Microsoft. It comprises Office 365, Windows 10, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. By merging the robust Office desktop apps that you are already familiar with, like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel with best-in-class productivity apps, powerful cloud services, device management, and advanced security – the possibilities of what you can accomplish with Microsoft 365 are nearly limitless. Thus, delivering an all-in-one connected experience that saves your organisation valuable time and money in the process!
Access Files Anywhere
Microsoft 365 conveniently allows you to store files in the cloud. This makes it quick and easy to access your information on any device, from any location so long there is an active internet connection. Utilising cloud storage can also improve business resilience by enabling the continuation of operations should something happen to your physical files.
Enhanced Security
With its enhanced security features, Microsoft 365 is your best choice for peace of mind as it efficiently protects the integrity of your data from threats and unauthorized access.
Predictable Spend
Since Microsoft 365 is a fixed subscription service, with both monthly and annual payment options, you have greater control over your IT budget. Moreover, upgrades are included in the cost of your licenses, so there are no unexpected or additional costs.
Automatic Upgrades
All the essential apps such as Word, Excel, and Outlook work online, negating the need for software installation. The respective upgrades are also run automatically at predetermined intervals, so you never have to worry about doing it yourself.
Improved Communication and Centralised Collaboration
With its modern communication apps like Skype for Business, Outlook and Teams, Microsoft 365 helps elevate your workplace communication to a whole other level. It also enables you to share information, knowledge, thoughts, and questions in real-time through powerful collaborative tools such as SharePoint and OneDrive. Features that, when fully utilised can complement your organisation’s efforts of fostering an inclusive and high-performance climate.
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